Our Impact

In 2023, the Partners in Project Green community achieved remarkable milestones that demonstrate our unwavering commitment to creating a sustainable future. Through 34 successful events, we were able to deliver 1595 hours of valuable education to learners. Our members also took concrete action to combat climate change by saving enough energy to heat 5.2 million homes and planting 1000 trees and shrubs during PPG’s annual tree planting events.

Partners in Project Green members drove environmental results through our innovative programs including our innovative Circular Economy Leaders Consortium, Material Exchange, Energy Leaders Consortium, and the Recycling Collection Drive. These achievements inspire us to continue our efforts towards building a greener, more sustainable world for generations to come.

Here is a quick snapshot of Partners in Project Green’s 2023 achievements!

Interested in learning more about Partners in Project Green or joining our community of sustainability leaders?
Read Our Story, view our Membership page, or contact us at PPG@trca.ca